Vice Foreign Minister Panich Vikitsreth said yesterday that there is not enough information to prove former PM Thaksin Shinawatra has travelled under different names - although he has used many foreign passports.
Panich said"It is not easy for a well known person like Thaksin to change his name," and "As long as we have no clear information, we shall not jump to any conclusion." Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said earlier that since his Thai passports had been revoked, Thaksin had moved around the world under different names. Former secretary-general of the now defunct People Power Party, Surapong Suebwonglee said the premier should not confuse the public with such inaccurate information. He said it was extremely difficult for celebrities, especially former prime ministers, to use fake names on passports or visas. Abhisit's personal spokesman Thepthai Senphong defended his boss saying the Prime Minister's information was based on hypothesis, since no Thaksin name had appeared on any immigration system, although the ex-premier kept travelling. Last week a German newspaper reported Thaksin had obtained a 90-day visa for Germany last summer and then received a one-year residency permit. However, the permit was cancelled on May 28 following a demand by the central government in Berlin, the Munich newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung reported. Panich said the Thai embassy in Berlin is now investigating whether Thaksin was in Germany as reported. The Foreign Ministry would take a week to gain clear information about the ex-PM's movements, he said. Panich declined to confirm Thaksin's whereabouts since the United Arab Emirates informed the Thai government he was no longer living in the country. "Although somebody saw and met Thaksin there, we have to respect the official information from UAE," he said. Former foreign minister Noppadon Pattama said it was unnecessary for Abhisit, Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya and the Foreign Ministry to check on Thaksin's identity since the former PM continues to travel under his own name. "Pol Lt. Col. Thaksin could travel anywhere since many countries understand the chase is a political game," he said. Abhisit and Kasit should concentrate on economic problems and the border conflict at Preah Vihear Temple, he said. Thaksin is still in Dubai and the German authorities cancelled his visa after his Thai passports were revoked, he added.
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