Noppadon Pattama, a legal adviser to the exile PM Thaksin Shinawatra, has rejected the news which saying that Thakshin is in a bad health condition that’s why he has not appeared in media recently.
Noppadon said on Thursday that the former PM has not time to appear on media. He’s very busy with his business and meeting with the world leader who is very much closed to him.
Noppadon certify that Thaksin’s visa to Germany was cancelled but the European Union Countries have not prohibited him from entering their country yet, he says.
Noppadon also said that he is not sure whether Thanksin will phone in to his supporter, UDD, during their gathering at Samnaglung on June 27 against present government.
Noppadon said on Thursday that the former PM has not time to appear on media. He’s very busy with his business and meeting with the world leader who is very much closed to him.
Noppadon certify that Thaksin’s visa to Germany was cancelled but the European Union Countries have not prohibited him from entering their country yet, he says.
Noppadon also said that he is not sure whether Thanksin will phone in to his supporter, UDD, during their gathering at Samnaglung on June 27 against present government.
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